Nowadays a new trend is becoming very popular on social media, especially on TikTok, whose name is “Galaxy Gas”. This trend is becoming quite popular among youngsters, but its use can be dangerous for health. But what is this Galaxy Gas after all, and why is it a matter of concern for health experts and authorities? Let’s know about it in detail.

What is Galaxy Gas?

Galaxy Gas is a flavoured version of Nitrous Oxide gas, which is often known in common language as “laughing gas” or “whippets”. Nitrous Oxide is used in the medical field for anesthesia, but now youngsters are using it for fun and enjoyment, where people are using it to get short-term “doped”.

Galaxy Gas is being marketed in colorful cans, which is attracting young people a lot. Its use in parties is increasing rapidly because it is very easy to get and it is also very cheap. But, using it for your own enjoyment and to get high can be very harmful for health.

Health Risks and Side Effects of Galaxy Gas

Nitrous Oxide is safe to use medicinally, but it can be very dangerous when used for plassure. Galaxy Gas is being used excessively by youngsters and young people to normalize the trend, as they are not fully aware of the health risks of this gas.

Short-Term Risks and Galaxy Gas Side Effects

Lack of Oxygen: Inhaling Nitrous Oxide can cause lack of oxygen in the lungs, which can cause dizziness, headaches, and sometimes even make the user unconscious.

Risk of Accidents: Body functions are impaired under the influence of this gas, which increases the risk of injuries and accidents. If someone drives after using it, the chances of road accidents increase.

Long-Term Risks and Galaxy Gas Side Effects

Brain Damage: If Nitrous Oxide is used for long-term or excessively, it can completely damage the brain, which can also cause memory loss and mental and psychological issues.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Nitrous Oxide causes deficiency of Vitamin B12 in the body, which is necessary for nerves and blood cells. B12 deficiency can cause muscle weakness and nerve damage.

Danger of Addiction: Use of Nitrous Oxide can create psychological dependency, due to which people use it repeatedly to feel high.

Legal and Social Concerns

The use of Galaxy Gas has increased among youngsters and has now come under the radar of the authorities. In states like New Jersey, the recreational use of Nitrous Oxide has been made illegal. Its sale is also being banned at local convenience stores and online platforms.

The social media platforms where the use of Galaxy Gas is being promoted are now completely under the radar of higher authorities. Law enforcement agencies and health experts have become active to control this trend.

Galaxy Gas may seem like a harmless fun to people, but its disadvantages can be quite serious for anyone. Using it to get high or for pleasure can be dangerous to health, and so it’s important that people understand the risks involved. Awareness campaigns and education initiatives are being used to try to stop this trend.

By Sagar Ram Rane

Sagar Ram Rane is an SEO expert and blog writer with 4+ years of experience. He blends technical SEO with creative storytelling, writing on everything from trends to pop culture. When not working, he's traveling and learning new things.